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[국제 학술대회] InterAsian Connections V: Seoul
- 일시: 2016년 4월 27일 – 30일
- 장소: 서울대학교 아시아연구소 삼익홀 신양관
- 세션 조직: 박배균(연구책임자), “Geo-political Economies of (Post) Developmental Urbanization in East Asia”
- 발표: Jim Glassman(공동연구원), “Developmental Bureaucratic States, Developmental Network States and the Geopolitical Economy of Cold War Industrialization in Ulsan and Kaohsiung”
- 발표: 해람(공동연구원), “Traveling Policy: City Marketing and the Neoliberal Turn of Urban Studies in South Korea”
- 발표: 시진위(공동연구원), “Hsinchu Technopolis: A Socio-technical Imaginary of Modernity in Taiwan?”
- 발표: 지주형(공동연구원), “The Making of the (Real) Gangnam Style: A Cultural Political Economy of Compressed Urbanization in South Korea”
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