UNRISD – Development, Environment and Peace Nexus (DEEPEN): Peace Making in Borderlands
이번 12월 3-5일 온라인에서 개최되는 UNRISD의 강원-철원 국제 컨퍼런스에 아시아도시사회센터가 기획세션으로 참여하게 되었습니다.
발표에 박배균 센터장님, 이승욱 교수님, 사회에 신혜란 교수님이 참여하십니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
기획세션 일정: DAY3 12월 5일 (토요일) 13:00 – 15:00
온라인 참가신청: https://www.unrisd.org/80256B3C005BD6AB/(httpEvents)/5269191FD5F4DD508025860E002FD6F0?OpenDocument&fbclid=IwAR2ZGAAp9rFoUn7cNn7UmIgndXW2cf9nJrC4m-Hf22T4t5-GePELLHuxnCM
“Local And Sub-National Perspectives On The Sustainable And Peaceful Development In The East Asian Borderlands”
: Organized By Center For Asian Urban Societies (CAUS)
>> Jinn-yuh Hsu (Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
“Geopolitics and Development: the Borderwork of Kimen and Matsu Islands in the Cross-Strait Relation”
>> Takashi Yamazaki (Professor, Osaka City University, Japan)
“Inter-island borderity/territoriality in East Asia: From a Japanese perspective”
>> Seung-Ook Lee (Assistant Professor, KAIST, Republic of Korea)
“Seeing like a border: Towards an agenda for border studies in the Korean Peninsula”
>> Bae-Gyoon Park (Professor, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
“The role of local forces and trans-local networks for the development of peaceful geo-political economies in the East Asian border regions”
Moderator: Haeran Shin (Professor, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)